Leadership Tip: Choose ONE Thing

Choose one thing to put your focus on.

So many worship leaders I hear from want to change multiple aspects of their ministry. They want to change processes like rehearsals or auditions, they want to get tighter with music, they want to learn to be a better speaker, and on and on it goes.

These changes are often necessary and they usually come out of a clear vision of what the leader wants to see. But rarely do all, if any, of these things get done. The reason? The worship leader is trying to do too many things at once.

If that’s you try this:

Choose ONE THING to work on for the next month (or 3 months or however long you think it will take). Then move onto the next thing. If you put your focus on one task, you will be able to complete it.

If you have trouble deciding which task to take on first, ask yourself this question: what benefits my team the most?

If having more solid rehearsals benefits your team the most, then work on that for the next month or so. If auditions and on boarding is what will benefit your team the most, look at that process over the next month. You get the picture.

Give it a shot!


Need help creating a plan to help your team grow? Schedule a coaching session at https://worshipleader.me/coaching



Caleb Holgerson